Here's the link of the Fendi studded heel on sale and to the Stella McCartney crossbody bag and Alexander McQueen Enamel large cuff bracelet for everything else click on the pictures above.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
Here's the link of the Fendi studded heel on sale and to the Stella McCartney crossbody bag and Alexander McQueen Enamel large cuff bracelet for everything else click on the pictures above.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Big C
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The days following my mom's diagnosis are a big blur. I remember feeling sad and angry. Helpless. Waking up not remembering the day before and for a brief moment thinking everything was normal. Until I realized it wasn't and I couldn't breathe. Last week everything seemed like it was going to be ok. Start radiation at MD Anderson and start chemo with her oncologist. That was the plan (still is). Every week she's had either a consult, an MRI, a CT scan, blood work, genetics etc. etc. She's tired and her mouth is dry because of the Keppra she's taking. She developed seizures after her brain tumor was removed. We've been praying a lot. Friends and relatives call her every day. She has visitors and flowers. People really care about her and that makes us feel good.
Well, it turns out the seizures could have developed because her tumor has grown back. My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. It metastasized to her brain causing her right arm and leg to weaken. The tumor was removed on April 20th and she was to start radiation. Today is May 27th and it's back and she is having surgery today because her neurosurgeon doesn't think it's wise to wait for the radiation as we don't know when that will be!
Her next appointment with the oncologist is June 6th. She starts chemo June 26th. We are just waiting on the MD Anderson appointment for the radiation. It's really annoying that we have to wait this long.
She's so strong and she looks fine. She has this horrible disease and she looks normal. I'm not a parent yet. I'm someone's child and as a child I've always relied on my parents for protection and reassurance. Knowing that if my parents had my back everything would be ok. Who do I rely on now? I can't run to mom and dad for a hug and expect them to tell me everything's going to be ok because we don't know if it will be but surprisingly I've been doing ok. I haven't fallen apart yet which says a lot. I'm a known worrier and I am plagued with paranoia but for some reason I feel calm and I feel in my heart that she will be ok. I think that's what they call faith. My dad, the strong silent type has been relying on us (my siblings and I) for reassurance and comfort.
I have to be strong for everyone in my family. My siblings have been so good too. My mom smiles everyday. She says that her faith is strong and it will see her through. She's so cute. I wish everyone could meet my mom. She's such a happy and cute lady. She's going to be fine. I know it. I believe it.
I'll be back to my regular random self in a few days. I have to blog about all the awesome designer sales after all. :)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
A and the city!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
I haven't shopped in about 3 weeks. Yessss! It's so hard. I am debating whether or not I should join my local chapter of shopaholics anonymous. Well, there's none because I googled. Unless google has steered me wrong. The closest thing is Debtors anonymous, if anyone is interested there you go. I've tried figuring out my compulsive shopping habits and I can't figure it out. I try to put myself in Rebecca Bloomwood's shoes but I still can't figure it out. She needed love. As she eloquently put it: "and instead of a relationship with a credit card, I have a relationship with someone who loves me back and never declines me." I have love and a good job. Maybe I need a baby or a dog or both. I think I need someone whose needs come before mine. But in this capitalistic, materialistic society it's so hard! I need to try harder. So instead of shopping for new outfits I am trying to piece things together or reinvent them. Take for example Sunday. I wore my Naven bombshell dress and paired it with a Sabine pleated skirt no longer available but similar style found here. The dress is now a top! Voila! I paired with neon Zara sandals from last season. Similar style found here and here and here. This is not the first attempt at piecing two random articles of clothing together. Both involved the same skirt! Remember?
What do you think?

Links found above!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The transition to Houston has been quite easy. We've been here for 5 months. I feel like I never left and V feels at home. Duh, because he's with me. My friends and family are so welcoming. It's been nice for him.
The issue now is trying to find a house. I refuse to move to the suburbs! I don't wannaaaa!!! V grew up in the suburbs so he doesn't mind. What he doesn't realize is that the DC suburbs are a lot different than the Houston suburbs. In Virginia we were a 15 minute train ride away from DC or a 9 mile car ride. If we move to the suburbs here it would take at least 30 minutes to get into town. Such a hassle! So, we've been looking.
This weekend we went to the Greek Fest at St. Basil. V prefers this church over the other Greek church in town. It was a good time with good food and good music. The problem we are facing now is that V wants to move somewhere close to the church which is 28 miles from my parent's house in Houston. Whomp, whomp, whomp. Greeks love being Greek Orthodox and love going to church and want to raise their kids in the Greek church and want to marry other Greeks. Well, he married a hot, spicy latina and I don't want to move next door to the church!!
I'm going to enroll in adult Greek school to learn the language . . . or at least try to learn. Wish me luck!
I wore blue and white to the Greek Fest. How fitting!

OOTD details:
Free People Sleeveless Hi-Low dress
Louis Vuitton Alma PM Monogram Vernis
Kensie Girl nude sandals. No longer available. Similar style found here
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Merriam-Webster defines Optimism as:
1. a doctrine that this world is the best possible world
2. an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome
When faced with life changing events I can't help but worry. I worry all the time and then I realized why . . . because I'm an idealist. Life SHOULD be a certain way but it's not and that's my problem, I cannot accept the fact that life isn't the way it should. For example: people shouldn't be racist. People shouldn't be greedy. People should be nice. People should be thoughtful. People shouldn't be corrupt. I don't understand these eternal optimists. I'm a positive person too and I always want the best and hope for the best but I just can't accept the fact that at this particular time the situation that I am in is the optimal situation at the moment. I cannot accept that. I can't accept that everything is as it should be because it shouldn't be this way.
When being faced with a glass of water an optimist will say the glass is half full and a pessimist will say the glass is half empty. Well, I'm not satisfied with any of those answers. The glass should be full. It should always be full! Why can't you just go get some more water and fill it? I don't understand why I would just settle and accept that my life is at it's best right now. I was happy with my job but I wanted to open a practice (glass half full) so I opened a practice (glass full). One semester I needed to make all Bs in class to pass (glass half full) so I studied and made the grades (glass full). The problem now is that my mom is sick and I can't fill the glass with water because I don't know how to make her better aside from what her doctor's have said. Unless, I find the cure for cancer the glass will have to remain half full and that's very hard for me to accept because I'm used to making things happen and I can't do anything right now. Nothing. I have to come up with something.
I've always pitied optimists because they settle. They make the best out of any situation, instead of trying to change things they accept life as it is and think everything will be all right, but now that's all I'm left with. Optimism. Optimism and hope. Hope that everything will be ok. And it will be ok because it has to be.
At least I know the glass will never be half empty.
Can you tell the difference between either?
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Weekend deets
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
I'm pretty sure I wore the same jeans all weekend. Weekend was super busy with the in-laws and friends. Happy to be back in Houston though. The weather was a bit chillier than expected. Outfit details on previous post here and below.
Rag and Bone white legging, Rag and Bone Grayson Jean, Christian Louboutin Decollete Jazz, DVF Dale Jacket, a.l.c. Willow sweater, Juicy Couture White Drama Necklace

Friday, May 3, 2013
Packing 101 - Casual weekend. Spring edition
Friday, May 3, 2013
We are celebrating Easter weekend with my in laws in DC. My hubby and his family are Greek Orthodox and follow the Lunar calendar. In the past I've been accused of over packing so now I try my best to pack as lightly as possible. This weekend was no exception. I am here for 5 days and had to fit everything into a carry on. Not just my outfits but also my make up, sneakers and work out gear. Did it all fit? Yup. I packed one pair of shoes (aside from sneakers), a pair of Christian Louboutin nude pumps. Why that particular pair? Because the nude goes with everything! I am wearing a teal dress for Easter and I packed the ASOS dress pictured below in case of a spontaneous dinner or gathering with friends. The shoes will complement both dresses nicely. I packed both pair of jeans and the white sweater as well. I then packed two more neutral tops that can go with either pair of jeans. A white tank top and statement necklace are also crucial in achieving any look. I plan on wearing the silk pants (mine are slightly different) with a white top and Gucci flats similar to the ones pictured. By packing neutrals and one or two stand out pieces it is very easy to achieve any look without having to pack your entire closet!
I'll be posting my weekend looks. Stay tuned!