The transition to Houston has been quite easy. We've been here for 5 months. I feel like I never left and V feels at home. Duh, because he's with me. My friends and family are so welcoming. It's been nice for him.
The issue now is trying to find a house. I refuse to move to the suburbs! I don't wannaaaa!!! V grew up in the suburbs so he doesn't mind. What he doesn't realize is that the DC suburbs are a lot different than the Houston suburbs. In Virginia we were a 15 minute train ride away from DC or a 9 mile car ride. If we move to the suburbs here it would take at least 30 minutes to get into town. Such a hassle! So, we've been looking.
This weekend we went to the Greek Fest at St. Basil. V prefers this church over the other Greek church in town. It was a good time with good food and good music. The problem we are facing now is that V wants to move somewhere close to the church which is 28 miles from my parent's house in Houston. Whomp, whomp, whomp. Greeks love being Greek Orthodox and love going to church and want to raise their kids in the Greek church and want to marry other Greeks. Well, he married a hot, spicy latina and I don't want to move next door to the church!!
I'm going to enroll in adult Greek school to learn the language . . . or at least try to learn. Wish me luck!
I wore blue and white to the Greek Fest. How fitting!

OOTD details:
Free People Sleeveless Hi-Low dress
Louis Vuitton Alma PM Monogram Vernis
Kensie Girl nude sandals. No longer available. Similar style found here
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