Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Cash Cow
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Most people refer to investments in terms of real estate, stocks, education, retirement etc. etc. What about emotional investments? Those investments in which our emotions and our sentiments are tied up ie: friendships, relationships, work, tv shows, sports teams etc. etc. In the past I've been guilty of being way too emotionally involved in a series. Can we say Lost?! Season after season I was perplexed by the complexity of these characters and the meaning of the island. For me the investment was totally worth it. For six seasons Lost brought so much love, joy and anguish into my life. I thought about things and questioned things I would not have otherwise done so. However, I think that most of our emotional investments lie in our relationships. I try my best at maintaining those relationships that are important to me, but sometimes I feel like the other party involved doesn't reciprocate. In that case is the investment worth it? Is my investment paying off? If a stock isn't doing well what do we do? We sell it. If there is no reciprocation from your emotional investment whether it be a bad boyfriend or a bad friend the most logical option is to stop investing. So why is it so hard for us to break away from a bad relationship? Think of it in terms of long term longevity. Is this investment (relationship) worth it aka am I happy enough or satisfied with the return to keep investing? As with everything balance is the key. Are you giving enough to be receiving enough? As I write this I am not sure that it seems fair, but is anything really fair in the game of life? Relationships are hard and it's hard to think of them in terms of gambles and wages but at the end of the day isn't that what life really is? We wake up hoping for the best, hoping we make the right decisions but at the end of the day is that enough? You have to take charge of your future investments and make sure those feelings and emotions are allocated properly. If not you have to restructure your portfolio and find your cash cows.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Today was V and I's 862 Day-versary. What's a day-versary you ask? It's a daily celebration of our marriage but it can be a celebration of any occasion. It's celebrated in days vs. months which would be a monthiversary vs. annually which would be an anniversary. Today we celebrated 862 days of being married. I made it up really. I don't think there's such a thing as a Day-versay but today I woke up and decided we would celebrate because well, why not. We've celebrated monthiversaries and day-versaries before so V was on board. We decided to start off by going to Georgetown. Remember my vintage dress that I bought last week? Well it turns out the tailor called me to pick up the dress because the sensors were still attached. Can you believe it?!? I picked it up earlier this week. We drove into Georgetown, we went back to Annie Creamcheese and they removed the sensors. YAY! The cashier was so apologetic and nice, she even gave me coupons for 30% off my entire purchase. V then decided he wanted to have lunch at Q-doba which we did. We walked around for a while and we ended our afternoon in Gtown by indulging in a lemon cupcake at Sprinkles. We then went to the mall because we needed to pick out my gift. I didn't really find anything I wanted. I'm already on the wait list for a Chanel bag at Neiman's and I've already picked out my birthday gifts. We shopped a little then we headed to Sushi Yama for a celebratory dinner. We came home and I was surprised with a small gift. A t-shirt, but not just any t-shirt. A t-shirt inspired by one of my favorite artists:Drake. It made my entire day. I am so grateful for the little things in life. Days like today that make me appreciate my relationship and make me appreciate my wonderful husband. Even if he hadn't gotten me a gift, the simple fact that he wanted to celebrate our "Day-versary" made all the difference.
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Some of my favorite previous Day-versary/Monthiversary gifts |
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Today's Day-versary gift |
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
It was such nice day today. We spent it walking around Georgetown. We ate lunch and had a cupcake. Perfect Sunday. OOTD: Joie sweater, Aqua lace top, Zara leggings, Tory Burch boots, Banana Republic necklace, Swarovski earrings, Rebecca Minkoff bag.
I opted for the lace underneath vs. a regular cami because it makes the peek a boo effect a lot more interesting. Sometimes I pair the sweater whit an animal print tank top. It's super cute.
I opted for the lace underneath vs. a regular cami because it makes the peek a boo effect a lot more interesting. Sometimes I pair the sweater whit an animal print tank top. It's super cute.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Is it Spring yet?!
Friday, February 24, 2012
I cannot wait to wear all my pastels! OOTD: Zara melon colored blazer. Aqua pants. Jcrew sequined top. Via Spiga Espadrilles. Tag Heuer watch. Cartier love necklace. John Hardy toi moi ring, autographed by Guy himself!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
I'm turning thirty in less than a month! Last year I had such a hard time turning 29 but this year I feel so much better. I remember being really sad when I turned 26. So far thirty doesn't seem so bad. I'm heading to Miami with 12 of my closets friends and I am super excited. I've been trying to eat better and go to the gym. So far I've lost 6 lbs. I need like 20 to go but overall I feel a lot better about myself. I'm more energized and my anxiety hasn't been so bad. I think my 30s are going to be great!!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Everyone around me is having a baby! Of course that poses the question: when will I have a baby? I don't know. I want a baby but I don't feel ready but then again will I ever be ready? All I keep thinking is the longer I prolong having a baby the less time I have to spend with said baby. It creates such anxiety in my life. What makes anyone ready to have a baby? Finances? Life goals? Career goals? Sometimes I feel society puts so much stress on women to procreate but I realize that as we age the complications increase. It's so much to deal with on my own sometimes, not to mention the added stress from family members and my ob-gyn who is a firm advocate of women having children before the age of 35. Am I being selfish? When will it ever be the right time? My close friend says to me: "there's people in worse financial or career situations than you are and they're having babies." That's not reassuring. I have a few more personal goals I want to achieve before I'm ready. Then again, life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. I hope time doesn't pass me by and I wake up 12 years from now with no babies and no one to dedicate my life to.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Today I decided that we would celebrate President's day by going into DC and doing some vintage shopping. It was my first attempt at it and I was quite excited! I decided I wanted to stay in the Georgetown neighborhood. We went to Annie Creamcheese, Second Time Around and Secondhand Rose of Georgetown. My favorite of the three were Annie Creamcheese and Secondhand Rose. I was amazed at all the vintage clothing. Today was my first time shopping in 50 days. I would take it slow. After obsessing for what seemed to be an eternity over a Chanel vintage tweed coat I decided to put it down. Thankfully it was too large for me, it was priced reasonably at $799. Both stores had a great selection of Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent. I tried on three pieces. A red over sized Ferragamo sweater with shoulder pads and gold buttons, it was a size S but it was way too over sized for me. A white and gray wool Yves Saint Laurent sweater but it was a little too tight and finally a bright green Emma Domb dress. I absolutely adored the Emma Domb so I had to get it, and I did! I dropped it off at the tailor on the way home as it needs slight alterations. The top is a little big (as is every top, I'm not so lucky in that department). I am so excited to pick up my dress later this week. I have the perfect shoes to wear with it. I am thinking I'll save it for my trip to Paris and wear on a warm night out. I'll post pics later this week when I try it on. I can't believe I shopped today but I have to say it was worth it. I am so happy with my purchase I cannot wait to go back and shop some more! Oh, we also stopped by Chanel on our way home and I put my name on a wait list for a hand bag. Whomp, whomp, whomp.
My OOTD: Hot pink MNG leggings, gray and white navajo like sweater, Black long sleeved BCBG shirt, black Boutique 9 wedge booties and my Chanel Handbag. Also accessorized with a black knit hat, black Michelle watch, silver link David Yurman bracelet, pink Hermes bracelet and BVLGARI sunglasses.
My OOTD: Hot pink MNG leggings, gray and white navajo like sweater, Black long sleeved BCBG shirt, black Boutique 9 wedge booties and my Chanel Handbag. Also accessorized with a black knit hat, black Michelle watch, silver link David Yurman bracelet, pink Hermes bracelet and BVLGARI sunglasses.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Shopping Fast
Sunday, February 19, 2012
I'm not done with my shopping fast. I will be soon but in the meantime I'll share the knowledge. If you haven't signed up for Rue La La you should. I've bought La Perla, Vintage Hermes and Rebecca Minkoff for less than retail. They have really good boutiques. Gucci Tomorrow! Shop fast they sell out quick!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
I am currently obsessed with Jennifer Meyer's gold and diamond lower case alphabet bracelet. I just can't decide if I want an A for my first name or K for my husband's last name. Decisions, decisions.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
V and I were supposed to shop for our niece's birthday party today. V had to work last minute so I was left on my own. Could I survive this trip to the mall? I was going to make my way to the Nordstrom's kids department, but I decided to go to TJ Maxx, they usually have a lot of good finds. My plan was to pick up a cute outfit and a toy and walk out. I walk into the store and I am welcomed with a display of Celine and YSL handbags, Kate Spade pumps, Prada sandals, Miu Miu peep toes, and Giuseppe Zanotti heels. What to do? My heart beating rapidly, palms sweaty and butterflies in my stomach I immersed into the feeling. Love. I admired every shoe and handbag, paid precise attention to every stitch and admired each piece. How was I to restrain myself from such beauty? Could I really pass this test? Prada sandals for $399 and the most beautiful Celine handbag for $1,100? Finally I had to snap myself back to reality. All I kept thinking was Paris . . . Paris. In a few months I will be in Paris and find myself in The Marais and the Avenue Montaigne and Avenue des Champs-Elysees. The color returned to my face and I could feel myself breathing normally. I bought my niece's gifts and I was on my way. Crisis averted. Oh my, the trials and tribulations of a shopaholic.
Stylish Saturday
I didn't like my Fashion Friday outfit this week, instead I'm posting my Saturday outfit. Casual party attire. The leggings really stand out in person so I had to tone it down. Sheer blouse from BCBG, leggings from ASOS and shoes are Christian Louboutin.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Shoe Equity
Friday, February 10, 2012
I am happy to report that I have not purchased a pair of shoes since December 14, 2011. I know that doesn't seem like a long time but for me it is. Today I really wanted to buy a pair of shoes. For no reason! Instead, V made me take out some of my shoes and calculate how much money I'd already spent. It was insane! In my defense, I bought my first pair of Christian Louboutin's in 2008 so I've been collecting these shoes for over 3 years now. Also, I bought most of them on sale. I don't wear them often, some are still new. I was actually a bit embarrassed that I spent so much on shoes! On shoes!!! Oh well, the stock market wasn't doing so well so it was either spending it on shoes or losing it in stocks.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
"It's so easy to look good with clothes on, but so hard to look good with them off" - M.E. That's so true!!! I am on day 4 of Shakeology and all I want is a cup of coffee but I'm not allowed to have any. I've been eating a lot better and I've been going to the gym every day. I've been checking in with my Beach Body Coach Ileana and she's awesome. She tells me to think sexy. So I'm trying. Ugh, I just want to go home and go to the gym! I'll post my Shakeology progress soon! So far so good! I just need a few more days to correlate more data.!/fitcoachileana!/fitcoachileana
Vday Yuck!
I don't like Valentine's day. It is a man made holiday, it makes people feel awkard and makes them feel obligated to celebrete something they should be celebrating every day. Love. You don't need a holiday to show someone you love them. Is it even considered a Holiday? It makes single people feel inadequate, sad and lonely and it adds unecessary stress to couples. It has never been noted in history that Saint Valentine was the Patron of lovers. Ever. It was taken from a fictional story. I find it incredibly annoying that people buy into this hoopla. It also annoys me when people say Valentime's day, it's named after Saint Valentine! Not time! See, people don't even know the history behind it. I liked Valentine's day as a child. My parents would give us red balloons filled with Hershey Kisses. I thought it was the coolest thing. I think that may have only been once. It was also fun at the time to exchange cards. When V and I first started looking at engagemet rings, I had to specifically say that I did not want a proposal on Valentine's day. So unoriginal and tacky, not romantic. I expected a gift from him when we first started dating, but only because I needed to know if he would make the effort, and I was playing hard to get. Somewhat. After that I had to tell him I didn't really care for such a mainstream, commercialized Holiday. I think he was relieved.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Separate Assets, Separate lives?
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Is it really fair to join all your assets once you get married? Two become one, does that include bank accounts? I acquired a significant debt while in grad school. My husband worked three jobs to pay for his college tuition, why would I hold him accountable for my six figure school loan? I want to drive a Mercedes, I pay for it. Friends are always surprised to find that we have separate bank accounts, someone even referred to us as glorified roommates. That's because we split all our bills. We each cover our own expenses and anything we do together we divide evenly. My husband keeps a spread sheet of all our expenses. Every first of the month I give him what I owe. I know it sounds strange, but it works. Even with my shopping problem we each have savings and we don't have any credit card debt. That's because we hold each other accountable. Do not buy anything if you can't afford it. He's a lot riskier with his investments, I'm a bit more conservative. Of course he tends to be a lot more conservative with his spending habits than me, but I think that's why he can afford to buy me awesome gifts! When the children come some things may have to change, but for now why should I have to give up my financial freedom? Maybe once we have children we'll split them. He'll cover the expenses for one and I'll cover the expenses for the other. If we have a third we'll split it down the middle.
String Quartet at our wedding, it was beautiful.
The hardest adjustment was realizing that I was no longer dependent on my parents. I was on my own. With a man. It was crazy! I remember telling my dad:"it's so weird that I have to share a bed with a man and wake up next to him." Yes, my dad and I talk about things. He's the one who told me about the birds and the bees when I was 12. I went from living at home to having two roommates to living with my husband. I realized that I could no longer depend on my dad the way I used to, now I had a life long partner. The only man I ever trusted was my father. I knew that no matter what happened at the end of the day he was going to love me and protect me. Would the new man in my life do the same? Would he love me enough to deal with my imperfections? It was so hard for me to believe that this new man could love me so much after so many didn't. So far marriage is all that I've wanted it to be. I realize that not every day is going to be perfect but communication, respect and compromise are key. I'm learning not to dwell in the past, instead learn from it and move forward. I hope that our bond grows stronger, that we always see the good in each other and that we love hard. Isn't that all we want? Love? Someone to love us?
Monday, February 6, 2012
Cutie Pie
Monday, February 6, 2012
I don't know whose little guy this is but I want one, a French Bulldog! I found this pic on the internet ( We have to meet him first. Maybe one day. *sigh*
I've decided to take one day at a time. I've realized that the only certainty in my future is it's uncertainty. Sometimes I wake up and I can't believe I'm living such a fulfilling life and I'm so happy, so why do I feel so anxious and sad? Am I scared? Today I realized that one day I am going to die and I can't fear death anymore. I'm fearful that I won't be ready and it scares me but I've realized that there's no point in worrying now. I am healthy and I am happy. That's all that matters. My family is happy, my friends are happy , no one is sick. I should be thankful and be living life to the fullest instead of worrying so much about a future that doesn't exist yet. I don't want to worry my life away and not enjoy the things around me. I want to have a family and I want to travel. I can't let myself get in the way of those things. A friend used to tell me that I was so emotional and fragile because I never dealt with any hardship in life, I don't think that's true. I think we all deal with life's punches differently and sometimes certain things affect us more than others. I am a bit more sensitive and emotional but I realized that those traits have made me more empathetic, and I have learned to enjoy and appreciate things a little more. I want to have a sound mind and heart. I should try yoga but I get so anxious during yoga! I feel like I am not breathing properly and I get really light headed. Each day is so much better than the day before and I have learned to control my feelings a lot better. I am so happy these days and so grateful. I need to stop looking for the negative things in life and just focus on the positive. :)
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Adventures in Babysitting
Sunday, February 5, 2012
I babysat my 4 year old niece and my 3 year old nephew today. It was pretty fun actually. I don't believe in sitting a kid in front of the television to keep them quiet so I tried to come up with activities. Well, it turns out I had no activities. I wasn't prepared because my husband asked me 40 minutes before they were being dropped off but I didn't mind. No activities in a not kid friendly home. What to do? I didn't want them just watching tv or sitting in front of the computer. I couldn't take them anywhere because I have no car seats. So what did we do for 3.5 hours?! They brought some toys so that was good but after about 20 minutes they were bored. Then the greatest idea occurred to me: Let's make cookies! That kept us occupied for the majority of the time. They had so much fun! We had to mix the dough and let it chill, then we used snowflake cookie cutters to cut them out. In between we watched a little bit of iCarly and Sponge Bob square pants. All in all it was a good 3.5 hours. We were entertained. Then my hubby and my inlaws came home and we watched the Super Bowl. The kids left around 10 pm. I was so tired after it all! That was just 3.5 hours, imagine if it were 24 hours 7 days a week? AHH! Soon it will be my turn, maybe. Hopefully. :)
The look for less
My inspiration for Saturday Night was Stella McCartney's Lucia dress. The Lucia dress retailed at $2,155 on A little pricey for me. I opted for a dress that I purchased late last year on sale for $26. I paired it with Kelsi Dagger pumps, a Balenciaga clutch, Nadri earrings, BCBG two finger ring and David Yurman bracelet.
My inspiration:
My look:
My inspiration:
My look:
Friday, February 3, 2012
Fashion Friday:Pink Friday
Friday, February 3, 2012
This week's fashion Friday was centered around my asos pink blazer. Top is BCBG, skirt is BCBGeneration, tights are Ellen Tracey and shoes are Boutique 9. I'm not shopping so this is all from my closet. It's fun to shop in my closet!! Earrings: Swarovski and watch is Michelle. Necklace is from Saks.
Temptation . . . Addiction
I really wanted to go to South Moon Under during lunch today. I was so tempted, but I ate lunch instead. Yogurt. I had so much anxiety I couldn't eat. Is this what a withdrawal feels like? I don't want it. I've always thought of myself as having somewhat of an addictive personality. I don't know when to stop. If I ever tried hard drugs, forget it. I'd be a full blown addict. Not a good look for me. Good thing I'm not into any of that. Needles scare me and I'm always congested due to allergies and sinuses that snorting would be pointless because the drugs wouldn't get to my brain. Instead I am addicted to things: shoes, purses, clothes, jewelry, furniture etc. etc. Sometimes I think I should sell all my posessions like Rebecca Bloomwood (Confessions of a shopaholic) or donate them but then I realized that the only reason why I would ever do that is for attention. I love attention, it's part of the Aries curse. I give a lot of things away. I used to think that it was because I had too many things in my closet but then I realized that my closet is simply just too small. It's all relative.
Some of my addictions: Chanel make up and shoes.
Some of my addictions: Chanel make up and shoes.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Extreme Couponing for Couture
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
I know the actual definition of Couture and I know that shopping at Bloomingdale's is not classified as Haute Couture but the title suits the purpose of my story.
I buy everything on sale. Almost everything, Chanel doesn't go on sale. My friend GG came to visit over the summer and we went to Bloomingdale's during their Big Brown Bag Sale. They had a Burberry bag on sale for $700 then it was an additional 20% off and I had about $200 worth of rewards saved up so if I would have purchased this bag I would have spent $360, so when my friend GG saw this she came up with that expression. Now, I did not have coupons, I had rewards certificates. Which means you have to spend money to get them but you don't have to have rewards certificates to take advantage of the awesome sales. What I usually do is I save my rewards points and use them when I really, really want something. You have to be careful though because they expire, but usually they expire 6 months after they've been issued. I usually wait for the good sales. The sales associates will usually add you to their address book so they'll call you when they have a sale, that way you don't have to be on the look out all of the time. Bloomingdale's has a charity event twice a year and during this event everything is 20% off including fine jewelry and their designer watches ie: TAG Heuer. Also for one day they will have David Yurman for 20% off. In the past they did 20% off any amount but now for David Yurman you have to spend a minimum of $500. The charity events usually fall in August and February. Once it was in October but they usually send out a mailing ahead of time or you'll get a call. This is the only time when Tory Burch is included in the sale. Tory Burch hardly ever goes on sale. Other noteworthy Bloomie's Sales are the Designer Sale, Friends and Family and The Big Brown Bag Sale. In October you can donate $15 which goes towards breast cancer research. Once you've made the donation they'll keep track of your charges on your Bloomies card for the entire month and depending on how much you spend you'll receive a "Give Pink" gift card at the end of the month. This year I only received $50 but last year I received $200. Even if you don't have any rewards to redeem, if you are saving up for something nice or special I would say the Charity event would be the best time to get it.
I also do a lot of shopping at Nordstrom but I'm only a fan of their Anniversary Sale which is held in July. This past summer I purchased my husband a pair of Ferragamo's, originally $450, for only $220. I used some of my rewards but regardless they were 40% off..
Saks is famous for their after Christmas sale. I never make it since it begins at 8AM. It only lasts 4 hours and the majority of the items are 60% off. Saks Friends and Family Sale is also good and usually occurs in October and I think in April.
Neiman's will have their big sales in November and June and they last a few weeks. I purchased a pair of Christian Louboutin heels last December for $300! Gucci has two sales a year, one in June and one in November.
I can't list all the sales because that would take too much time instead I'll update you as soon as I find out!! A general rule of thumb: If it's the end of the season, good chance is they have a sale. In September I bought 3 Karen Millen dresses for $190! Each retailed around $300 but I only paid $190 for all 3!! Also, if you sign up for emails you'll get a 10% code to use on a future purchase, Bloomies, Saks, Juicy Couture and South Moon Under amongst others do it! Also, sometimes they will send you a random code because they miss you!! Whenever I purchase anything online I always make sure I check for coupon codes. DSW carries Gucci, Prada and Jimmy Choo. Check DSW's online website. Anthropologie puts out their sale stuff on Tuesdays! I also love discount stores like Filene's basement, T.J. Maxx, Marshalls and Loehmann's. I looove Loehmann's, because I shop there so much I'm a diamond member therefore I get 10% off every purchase every time. The last time I was at TJ Maxx they had a Lanvin purse for $1300!!! Don't forget about Off 5th (I bought a David Yurman bracelet once for $200), Last Call Neiman Marcus, Barneys outlet and Nordstrom Rack. I have a coupon code for South Moon under: WELCOME10. Enjoy. My next blog will be on my favorite websites! tootles. For now I'm saving all my rewards since I'm not shopping!
I buy everything on sale. Almost everything, Chanel doesn't go on sale. My friend GG came to visit over the summer and we went to Bloomingdale's during their Big Brown Bag Sale. They had a Burberry bag on sale for $700 then it was an additional 20% off and I had about $200 worth of rewards saved up so if I would have purchased this bag I would have spent $360, so when my friend GG saw this she came up with that expression. Now, I did not have coupons, I had rewards certificates. Which means you have to spend money to get them but you don't have to have rewards certificates to take advantage of the awesome sales. What I usually do is I save my rewards points and use them when I really, really want something. You have to be careful though because they expire, but usually they expire 6 months after they've been issued. I usually wait for the good sales. The sales associates will usually add you to their address book so they'll call you when they have a sale, that way you don't have to be on the look out all of the time. Bloomingdale's has a charity event twice a year and during this event everything is 20% off including fine jewelry and their designer watches ie: TAG Heuer. Also for one day they will have David Yurman for 20% off. In the past they did 20% off any amount but now for David Yurman you have to spend a minimum of $500. The charity events usually fall in August and February. Once it was in October but they usually send out a mailing ahead of time or you'll get a call. This is the only time when Tory Burch is included in the sale. Tory Burch hardly ever goes on sale. Other noteworthy Bloomie's Sales are the Designer Sale, Friends and Family and The Big Brown Bag Sale. In October you can donate $15 which goes towards breast cancer research. Once you've made the donation they'll keep track of your charges on your Bloomies card for the entire month and depending on how much you spend you'll receive a "Give Pink" gift card at the end of the month. This year I only received $50 but last year I received $200. Even if you don't have any rewards to redeem, if you are saving up for something nice or special I would say the Charity event would be the best time to get it.
I also do a lot of shopping at Nordstrom but I'm only a fan of their Anniversary Sale which is held in July. This past summer I purchased my husband a pair of Ferragamo's, originally $450, for only $220. I used some of my rewards but regardless they were 40% off..
Saks is famous for their after Christmas sale. I never make it since it begins at 8AM. It only lasts 4 hours and the majority of the items are 60% off. Saks Friends and Family Sale is also good and usually occurs in October and I think in April.
Neiman's will have their big sales in November and June and they last a few weeks. I purchased a pair of Christian Louboutin heels last December for $300! Gucci has two sales a year, one in June and one in November.
I can't list all the sales because that would take too much time instead I'll update you as soon as I find out!! A general rule of thumb: If it's the end of the season, good chance is they have a sale. In September I bought 3 Karen Millen dresses for $190! Each retailed around $300 but I only paid $190 for all 3!! Also, if you sign up for emails you'll get a 10% code to use on a future purchase, Bloomies, Saks, Juicy Couture and South Moon Under amongst others do it! Also, sometimes they will send you a random code because they miss you!! Whenever I purchase anything online I always make sure I check for coupon codes. DSW carries Gucci, Prada and Jimmy Choo. Check DSW's online website. Anthropologie puts out their sale stuff on Tuesdays! I also love discount stores like Filene's basement, T.J. Maxx, Marshalls and Loehmann's. I looove Loehmann's, because I shop there so much I'm a diamond member therefore I get 10% off every purchase every time. The last time I was at TJ Maxx they had a Lanvin purse for $1300!!! Don't forget about Off 5th (I bought a David Yurman bracelet once for $200), Last Call Neiman Marcus, Barneys outlet and Nordstrom Rack. I have a coupon code for South Moon under: WELCOME10. Enjoy. My next blog will be on my favorite websites! tootles. For now I'm saving all my rewards since I'm not shopping!