Today was V and I's 862 Day-versary. What's a day-versary you ask? It's a daily celebration of our marriage but it can be a celebration of any occasion. It's celebrated in days vs. months which would be a monthiversary vs. annually which would be an anniversary. Today we celebrated 862 days of being married. I made it up really. I don't think there's such a thing as a Day-versay but today I woke up and decided we would celebrate because well, why not. We've celebrated monthiversaries and day-versaries before so V was on board. We decided to start off by going to Georgetown. Remember my vintage dress that I bought last week? Well it turns out the tailor called me to pick up the dress because the sensors were still attached. Can you believe it?!? I picked it up earlier this week. We drove into Georgetown, we went back to Annie Creamcheese and they removed the sensors. YAY! The cashier was so apologetic and nice, she even gave me coupons for 30% off my entire purchase. V then decided he wanted to have lunch at Q-doba which we did. We walked around for a while and we ended our afternoon in Gtown by indulging in a lemon cupcake at Sprinkles. We then went to the mall because we needed to pick out my gift. I didn't really find anything I wanted. I'm already on the wait list for a Chanel bag at Neiman's and I've already picked out my birthday gifts. We shopped a little then we headed to Sushi Yama for a celebratory dinner. We came home and I was surprised with a small gift. A t-shirt, but not just any t-shirt. A t-shirt inspired by one of my favorite artists:Drake. It made my entire day. I am so grateful for the little things in life. Days like today that make me appreciate my relationship and make me appreciate my wonderful husband. Even if he hadn't gotten me a gift, the simple fact that he wanted to celebrate our "Day-versary" made all the difference.
Some of my favorite previous Day-versary/Monthiversary gifts |
Today's Day-versary gift |
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