We completed our first year in Houston after moving back last December. What a year it's been. We've had some good luck and some bad luck. The bad? My mom was diagnosed with cancer in April so that's been really hard on the family. We lost a family member over the summer and that's been hard on the family as well but we know he's in a good place. So much tragedy. The best we can do is be strong for one another and keep our faith and just know that God has a plan for us all. Sometimes it's really hard to understand but we can't dwell on our pain. We have to move forward.
Good things? I started a practice. Which is slow but continues to grow. I am very excited about that since that's been one of my life's dreams. It's a lot of hard work but I love it. I work part time at another office, 2 days a week, and on my slow days I fill in at other offices in the city. I'm willing to make the sacrifice and I am willing to work hard. I like working actually. I love what I do. Other good news? V and I are expecting our first baby which we are very excited about! That's been the biggest blessing and it's made my family and my mom so happy. It's good to know that amidst all the darkness there's always a ray of light.
When I left Houston in 2004 I was a naive 22 year old. I was very sheltered and moving away gave me life experience and I was introduced to many different things. I met my husband who is wonderful. I could not have imagined anyone ever loving me so much. I always wanted to move back to Houston, it's home. The reality is sometimes I question if I made the right decision moving back. I'm not the same person I was 9 years ago. I gave up a life in DC . . . my life . . . and now that we are here it's like starting over. I take that back, we literally started over. I gave up a cushy lifestyle in exchange for the opportunity to start something of my own. I used to give up a significant portion of my check to Neiman's and Bloomingdale's, now I give a significant portion of my revenue to an employee, taxes, office supplies etc. etc. It takes a lot to run a business but I am very happy and though it's been hard giving up trips to the Ritz Carlton for brunch I am satisfied. We grow and we evolve. The things that made me happy a year ago don't so much anymore. I guess you start to appreciate the things that matter most when faced with adversity. Sometimes, it's really hard to not buy a bag or a sweater or a pair of shoes but I have to think about it. Of course I still shop but there's no sense of necessity or urgency when I buy those things.
I don't think I've changed, I think I've just learned to prioritize. I guess that's really what's happening. I'll never really change per say . . . after all I have an extensive list of acceptable push gifts.
Some of my looks throughout the year . . .
Naven Bombshell dress worn as a top, Piperlime skirt, similar here, Zara heels
DVF red cape, similar here. Rag and Bone jeans similar here, Christian Louboutin Decollete
Outfit details here

Outfit details here

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