A few of my favorite pictures from our past trips. I am looking forward to Paris in June! The Great Sphinx (a lot smaller in person than I imagined but still breath taking) and the pyramids of Giza, Santorini, Home of the Virgin Mary in Ephesus, The Blue Mosque, The Washington Monument, La Sagrada Familia, The Parthenon, Santorini, Hagia Sophia, Park Guell, Building designed by Gaudi.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
AHHH! It's been 31 days since I've shopped. Yup, 31. So I wanted to share my progress. I just finished looking at my credit card statement. During the month of December I spent $2,270.08. In January I spent . . . . tun tun tun . . . . Five hundred thirty five dollars and ninety cents. I figured it would be more dramatic if I wrote it out. Out of those $535.90, $235.73 were spent on gas!!!! YAY! $135 I spent on a month's supply of shakeology the rest I spent on lunch and the ABC store (once). I have cut down on spending by packing a lunch and hubby and I did not go out to dinner once this month. It was part of our hibernating January. We decided that we would not go out and spend any unnecessary money. Also, since we haven't been going out I have decreased my alcohol intake and I've lost 7 lbs since Christmas! YAY! This is going to be a good year! :) This month I also paid all balances on my department store credit cards. I feel so accomplished and more financially in charge!! Let's see how well I do in February, only 29 days. :0 My wallet is usually full of receipts, not anymore.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
I just ordered my Greenberry Shakeology packets. I am excited. It's a meal replacement plan but it only takes the place of one meal so you can still eat food for your other two meals and not starve. I plan on eating it for breakfast or lunch not sure yet, maybe breakfast since sometimes I don't eat breakfast. I'm excited to try. You can find recipes on the website to shake it up. A friend of mine tried a juice cleanse and she said she was always hungry. Shakeology is full of nutrients and the website claims it helps you lose weight, feel energized, lower cholesterol and helps regulate your digestive track. Most of the reviews I found online were pretty awesome and it's from Beach Body the same people behind p90x and I have friends who have done p90x and have amazing bodies. I plan on incorporating into my daily routine and snacking throughout the day. I love raisins and almonds. I'll let you guys know how it turns out! Take a look at the website. I'll report my results after 30 days!!!
Fashion Friday
I forgot to post my Fashion Friday look. The top is Joie but I purchased from Loehmann's so instead of paying $300 I only paid $100. Trousers are from Target, Mossimo for $9.99 and my pumps are Kelsi Dagger also from Loehmann's for $59.99. Accessories: necklace Aqua from Bloomingdales: $49.99, watch: Michelle. The watch I purchased for a steal at Last Call Studio Neiman Marcus for $289!! The top and trousers I bought last winter and the shoes and watch I bought last spring and the necklace I purchased in November. I'm not shopping so I have to shop my closet instead!!
www.lastcall.com www.target.com http://www.loehmanns.com/
www.lastcall.com www.target.com http://www.loehmanns.com/
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The Adjustment Bureau
Thursday, January 26, 2012
I watched this movie over the summer and I really liked it! It got me thinking. I've always believed in fate and "what's meant to be will be." Growing up my dad would always say that God had already laid out our path, but is that entirely true? I don't know. I think we all make our own path and maybe some things are predestined. You know, everything happens for a reason. I think that's true. So here goes my story. I am the oldest of 3. I grew up loving sports because it's what my dad and I did. I never really got into soccer but my little sister loves it. Anyway, I've always watched sports and I've always had a good memory but for some reason the 1992 Superbowl with the Washington Redskins and the Buffalo Bills has always been embedded in my brain. In 2005 every other celebrity had a Greek boyfriend. Remember Paris and Paris? My New Year's resolution in 2006 was to find a Greek boyfriend because it was the hottest accessory. Later that year my best friend (and roommate) and I had a fall out and we did not speak for 9 months! I was miserable but I befriended A, who went on to introduce me to my husband. Ok, so my husband happens to be from DC and he is Greek! Isn't that kind of weird? It's almost like those things I wished for or remembered were little clues. Why would I only remember the 1992 Superbowl? If my roommate and I wouldn't have been fighting I would have never befriended A and she would have never introduced me to my husband, if my Grad school first choice hadn't wait listed me I would have never gone to Philadelphia where I met my roommate whom I had a fallout with and I would have never met A and I would have never met my husband. It's hard to understand why things happen but I think there's always a silver lining. It may be hard to see at first but it's always there.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
I don't shop at a certain Blankmart, a large corporation that offers goods at super low prices. I hear they treat their employees very poorly and I've read things about their practices that I don't agree with and so I feel morally obligated not to shop there. The same arguement always comes up: everything is priced so low, why wouldn't you shop there? For one, you get what you pay for. A $5 shirt will probably last 5 washes. The food they sell is crap, it's mainly processed food. The last time I shopped there was on February 2008 and that was because I was in a new town and didn't know where else to go and I was starving. I bought groceries. I drive home and grabbed some yogurt, that I had just purchased and it was 10 days expired!!! I was outraged! I vowed never to shop there. I understand some people have no choice because they live in a rural town and maybe that's the only retailer there. I don't know. There's always an exception to the rule but it still bothers me that so many people shop there. I mostly don't shop there though because I find it highly hypocritical of me if I did. I bought a $275 Robert Rodriguez top at Cusp in December (when I still shopped). If I really wanted to save money don't you think I would spend less money on material possessions and/or clothing?! Here's the thing I think that people's priorities aren't always on point. Some people go out and spend so much money on a night out, on clothes, shoes, cars or cigarettes and yet they want to save $2 on soap or a loaf of bread?! That makes no sense to me! People should learn to spend money on what matters: life's necessities. People should start worrying more about what they put in their bodies rather than what they wear on their feet!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Prince Charming
Sunday, January 22, 2012
I've been married for 2.5 years. My hubby and I are pretty compatible. We got engaged after 18 months. We are very different but we mesh well. Every other relationship I had or pseudo relationship was always so dramatic. Being with him is effortless. At first I was a bit confused. I always thought drama was part of the equation and so sometimes I stir up a little bit of drama because, well, I am a bit of a drama queen. One time I told my friends I wanted to take a drama class and one of them responded with:"What? You could teach the class." I am dramatic and I tend to be a little insecure so one day I asked my hubby: "What made you want to date me?" and he responded with:"You like sports, you are down to do anything, and you eat everything I feed you" . What?!? Really? That's it? The entire time I thought men were looking for something more profound. I expected something like: "I picture you as the mother of my unborn children, or I can see myself growing old with you, or you make everything in life worthwhile, or you light up the room when you walk in." You know, the typical cliches but instead his answer was honest and refreshing. I hear people say that love is complicated and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Life is complicated and relationships are hard and require a lot of work, but love is one of the purest and unadulterated feelings anyone could possibly experience. My hubby's answer may not have been that of Prince Charming but I realized that sometimes you have to change the fairy tale to fit you, stop trying to fit into the fairy tale. You are not Cinderella and your life is not a movie! Make your own fairy tale! :0
Friday, January 20, 2012
Best Friends
Friday, January 20, 2012
A best friend in my opinion is someone who has seen every single facet of your personality: the good, the bad and the ugly and still loves you and someone who you have shared one or several momentous events with. I know that all sounds pretty vague and standard and sounds normal but every day I meet people who talk about every single friend as their best friend! It's so annoying. The problem with that is as follows. When every single one of your friends is a "best" friend, where is your loyalty? There is none. For the most part you're just fickle and insecure. I also find it's easy for those people to take sides and that's not cool. I think friendships should be unbiased. One of my friends and I were really good friends for a hot minute but every time someone new came into the picture I was in the back burner. Friendship is not grown out of convenience it's because there are genuine caring feelings involved. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a lot of close friends, I'm just saying that the title of a best friend should be earned. I think I have a lot of really good and close friends and maybe 3 best friends. Even the girls from Sex and the city had a best friend. They were best friends as an entity but individually there was one person they each thought was their best friend. Miranda's best friend was Carrie. Samantha's best friend was Carrie. Charlotte's best friends were Carrie and Anthony. Carrie has referred to Samantha and Miranda as her best friends but never Charlotte. See? and even if they were best friends there's only 4 of them not 20. Also, how can you keep up with all your friendships if you have a ton. A friendship to me is like any relationship you need to nurture it or else it can die.
Fashion Friday: Recessionista Edition
Here's my post for Fashion Friday. All the pieces in my outfit are under $100!!! I purchased the pants from Urban Outfitters for $9.99. The blouse was $8.99 at the Banana Republic factory store. My sweater was $39.99 at J. Crew factory store and my bow tie was $11 at asos.com. Shoes are BCBG $40. All of the pieces were on sale!!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
My obsession
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
People in D.C. sometimes frown at my inadequate behavior and by inadequate I mean running across the street at the light or when I just randomly run across the street, but honestly I don't want to get hit crossing the street so I run. One of my biggest fears growing up was getting hit in the face as the classroom door was opening and it knocking my teeth out. Even now I know exactly what I would do if my teeth get knocked out in the middle of the night. I have a fear of dying a painful premature death or of having a stroke while delivering a baby or of contracting some incurable disease. When I was in 6th grade I was walking to the school bus after school and I felt something scrape me and I freaked out . . . later on that same day I went on to lose my contact lens on the bus, that was some day! I cannot stand directly in front of the elevator door because I am afraid that when the doors open I am going to get shot. Who thinks that? I find this blog to be very therapeutic so don't judge me. Now I can kind of keep my neurotic ass in check mainly due to working out, working, talking out ALL my feelings and I mean ALL of them and I have wonderful family and friends who always remind me of how great life is because I'm in the world. Elton John. Aries.
You know you're a hater when . . .
1. I post an awesome picture on Facebook and you purposely don't like it . . .
2. You constantly have to tell yourself you're not a hater . . .
3. You get angry when I have something nicer than you . . .
4. You don't say how cute my new puppy is . . .
5. You call a new born anything ugly . . .
6. You tell me you would have done better . . .
7. You see a 10 month old baby walk and you say "I can do that" . . .
8. You call J. Lo fat . . .
9. You don't like bunnies . . . or puppies or anything cute
10. You think you're faster than a Cheetah . . . .
2. You constantly have to tell yourself you're not a hater . . .
3. You get angry when I have something nicer than you . . .
4. You don't say how cute my new puppy is . . .
5. You call a new born anything ugly . . .
6. You tell me you would have done better . . .
7. You see a 10 month old baby walk and you say "I can do that" . . .
8. You call J. Lo fat . . .
9. You don't like bunnies . . . or puppies or anything cute
10. You think you're faster than a Cheetah . . . .
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Domestic Goddess
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
NOT! It took me two eggs to finally boil an egg and three pieces of toast to finally get one right. I decided to make dinner anyway. Semi-home made bbq chicken! It was actually pretty good. Could I be the next Sandra Lee? Probably not but I'll keep trying. :)
Monday, January 16, 2012
"Your life is not a movie"
Monday, January 16, 2012
My husband has to constantly remind me of this. Why? Because I tend to be somewhat dramatic but FINALLY I realized he is right. My life is not a movie and I realized I don't want it to be!!! I was watching a rom-com, you know the usual story line . . . boy meets girl, drama, blah, blah, blah, happily ever after. I have to say I love romantic comedies and I'm always like: "aww, why can't someone do that for me or love me so much," but then I started thinking: what happens when the movie ends? We have three options: 1. They live happily after 2. They live mediocrely ever after 3. They get divorced . . . They probably end up living the same life I'm living now, mine is probably better . . . let's be honest . . . and I avoided all the drama! On a side note I am extremely excited for The Great Gatsby starring Leo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan and Tobey Maguire set out to be released Christmas Day 2012! I've read the book 7 times and I've seen like 2 of the remakes. This movie is far from being a rom-com, it's based on a literary classic!
Happy MLK day! Did you know Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was 35 when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and that his birth name was Michael Luther King Jr. he later changed it to Martin. Now you know!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Im turning 30 this year! 30!!! I don't mind turning 30, I mind getting old. The older I get the more vain I seem to become and I don't like it. I don't think vanity is a good quality to have so I need to get over it ASAP. Lately, I've noticed a wrinkle on my forehead and it freaks me out! I even started to avoid laughing so that I don't get crow's feet and I try not to frown to avoid frown lines. Oh, and I try to avoid the use of my forehead for facial expression. This is no way to live! Do I have rhytiphobia or am I simply vain? Either way they are both no bueno. Regardless, I need to act fast before they consume my face. My mom used to make me wear oatmeal masks when I was young. I was like 12 and had oatmeal on my face but I do have really nice skin now so Thanks Mom! I'm researching LaMer, Amore Pacific and Perricone MD. I've tried samples from Neiman's and I like those 3 the best. They are so expensive though! I'm going to have to save all my Amex and Neiman's points to buy beauty products. Currently I use Aveno and it works well but lately I've noticed some changes in the elasticity of my skin. I read that coconut oil and olive oil are good for the skin too, maybe I'll google home remedies for nicer skin before I go and spent a boat load on cosmetics!! EEEK!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Fashion Friday
Friday, January 13, 2012
Forget casual Friday! I've decided to spice up my work look . . . at least on Fridays. I chose this leopard print skirt and decided to tone it down with a classic white button down. My other option was to wear with a red or green top but seemed a bit much for work. I love this skirt, I've worn it once before in Boston in October. I purchased it Barcelona last year and I figured it would be a good investment piece. For drinks tonight I'll roll up the sleeves, slap on red lipstick, a few gold bangles, a black clutch and be good to go! Animal print is supposed to continue it's trend in spring, so here goes to at least two more seasons!!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
A diamond in the rough?
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Since I'm not shopping for who knows how long I'm trying to keep myself occupied. I have my work, the gym, my hubby, reading, blogging and jewelry making. I've made a pair of earrings before for a friend but I am having trouble with my latest pair . . . I just can't seem to get inspired! I'll let you know how it turns out . . . here's a rough draft . . . a very,very rough, rough draft . . . . I literally laughed out loud as I posted this pic, but I am hopeful that I can turn it around . . . the other pair I made was really nice! I promise.
Batty Lashes
People ask me all the time: How do you get your lashes so long and beautiful? I would like to reply by saying: I use Latisse, but that would be a lie. I am so noncommital I didn't use it for more than 7 days but I hear it's awesome. Instead I stick to the antiquated way of getting beautiful lashes: mascara. I have a friend who uses Maybeline Great Lash which retails for about $4 at Target and it works wonders. On me however not so much. After years of not really wearing make up I finally figured out that "hey mascara makes a huge difference". So I finally found the perfect combination. Yes, combination. I start off with one coat BADgal lash mascara from Benefit ($19 at Sephora) and then top it off with one coat of Dior Show Extase ($28 at Sephora). A little pricey I know but that's the cost of beauty I suppose. My dad always said I had expensive taste I guess that applies to my lashes too. Chanel Inimitable also works well and I need about 2 coats of it but my favorite is Dior Show Extase. I can wear just one coat and be good but the combination I stated above is the best! Prior to figuring this out I used whatever samples I was given at the department stores. That's what I did on weekends go to the make up counters and get free samples of marcara! lol.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Unset Jello
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
I've been married for two years, and we are thinking babies. We were watching I don't know how she does it . . . you know the movie with Sarah Jessica Parker based on the book written by Allison Pearson. I enjoyed both the book and the movie. One of my fears in life is to be an unsuitable mother. I grew up in an intact household. My dad was the sole provider and my mom was a stay at home mom. I received all the attention and all the accolades any little girl, teenage girl, young lady and woman would want. I'm a career woman and one of my fears is that I won't be able to balance a career and kids, but everyone says that I will be a great mom. I have no other option but to believe them. Ok, back to the movie. Kate Reddy, the protagonist, has to bake something for the bake sale but she doesn't have time so she buys a pie. The stay at home moms bake delicious pastries but one of the other moms brings . . . unset jello . . . so I turn to my hubby and I ask? What kind of mom do you think I'll be? He looks at me pauses and responds with: you'll be the unset jello mom. Whomp, whomp, whomp . . . way to reassure me honey! On a completely unrelated note I hear Brandy is making a comeback. I believe it too because she was on Drop Dead Diva this summer and she was great!
The Aries Curse
Have you ever met someone so exciting and magnetic that they command all the attention?! They are probably an Aries. I'm an Aries and over the years I've made a few observations about myself and most Aries (I know 8 of them). Aries are known to be generous, enthusiastic, and optimistic. I am ALL of those things. The Aries curse refers to those other Aries traits that can come back to bite us. What traits you ask? Self involved, impatient, impulsive and short tempered to name a few. I am known to be a great friend but I am also known to be very bratty and humility unfortunately is unbeknownst to me. As soon as we walk into the room all eyes on us, but we can't help it but to be great. Why do I call it a curse? Well, that's because my entire life I've been trying to defy my personality. I've always feared being judged based on those personality traits. I don't like to particularly steal the lime light from others even thought it comes naturally and I don't particularly like to be thought of as being self involved, but what are people to think when I go around parading my FABULOSITY. For the last 29 years of my life I've had internal conflict trying to change my ways. I've tried to be more humble and I've tried to blend into the background because no one wants to be known as a diva but then I realized that all those traits make me who I am (and I'm pretty great) and I just have to accept it. As long as they don't become a negative factor in my relationships I'm good to go! So next time you meet a loud, boastful person don't judge them they may be an Aries and Aries are by far the best friends to have and the most fun!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Moment of weakness
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Ok, so I made the conscious decision not to shop about two weeks ago. The plan was to start on January 1, 2012 but I refuse to call it a resolution because I find that I almost always break all of them. This is why my shopping is a problem: in a moment of weakness I ordered something last week not just anything but a pair of Christian Louboutin heels. theoutnet.com had them for 50% off!!! Fifty percent off, so instead of paying full price I only paid (enter obscene amount here) but as my friend Alisha told me once: it doesn't count if it's on sale and it's still $300!!! I've decided to return them because I tried them on and they are too narrow for my feet!! Bye bye Petite Fee 100 boots, I hope you can decorate someone else's pretty feet and fulfill their dreams!
Monday, January 9, 2012
The hardest thing . . .
Monday, January 9, 2012
The hardest thing about not shopping is not shopping. It's like that one time in Philly my roommates and I decided to do to the South Beach diet. The first week we couldn't eat carbs and all of a sudden the only thing I wanted to do was eat cereal and carrots. Needless to say I lost 7 lbs in 10 days and gained 12 the following week. Not shopping is as hard as staying away from carbs and it's almost as hard as this entry I just typed. It was hard because I typed it on my iPad. This is my anecdote of the day: when I was 12 all I wanted for Christmas was a Sharp typewriter (which my parents bought for me). Why did I want the typewriter? I wanted to type up my book reports. Now all I want is a new laptop (MacBook). Why? So, I can shop online. Whomp, whomp, whomp.
First Blog
Hello World! Let me start off by introducing myself. I am Alma. I'd like to believe that I'm pretty awesome, I'm 29 years old and I am a health care provider . . . more about that later. I've decided to start a blog because everyone tells me to do so (apparently I have a lot to say). The purpose of my blog is to share my random thoughts, ideas and just inject happiness into your life! Also, I'm an Aries and I love attention so I'll be blogging about my fabulous life!! So why today you ask? Why of all days would you start a blog today? Well, that's because I have decided not to shop for the next 117 days! I have a shopping problem one that I hope to one day conquer so I've decided that I need something fun to do in my free time. I work 6 days a week so this will be something fun and exciting for me! I hope you like what you see!