Exciting news my friends! I don't know why I post things on my blog like I'm a celebrity. lol. Anyway, V and I are happy to announce that we are expecting our first baby! That's right, the world (our friends, family . . . not really the world) has been anxiously waiting for this day. I am 20 weeks and doing well.
So far my first trimester was hellish. Morning sickness every day all day. I hate that queasy feeling. I even bought the sea bands not sure if they worked. I drank ginger tea, ate the saltines, drank water, everything but nothing seemed to really work. I felt car sick every time I was in a car. I was super tired. I felt hungover for 8 consecutive weeks but now I'm all better. I'm just battling a cold. I am super excited to start showing. I have a tiny belly. I just look bloated all the time. I lost 5 lbs my first trimester because of all the sickness and so far since then I've only gained 2 lbs but the baby is developing properly.
Oh, my usually flawless skin is no longer flawless. I have acne. No me gusta!
We just wanted to share our exciting news with everyone! We are super excited!
Our pregnancy announcement!