Recently Jimmy Kimmel poked fun at Kanye for his bizarre interview with BBC Radio. The one in which the rapper discussed his creation of leather jogging pants, which Fendi rejected. Kanye, I saw you wearing EnNoir leather jogging pants so I don't know what you're talking about. Clearly you are not the first nor the last to come up with the leather jogging pants idea so get over it. I too have leather jogging (vegan) pants from Urban Outfitters that cost me a mere $59, which I've rocked all year because they are super comfy. Except this one time when I wore them on my trip to Philly in the middle of summer and walked from the train station to my friend's house about a mile away. Not a good idea. Clearly they're not meant for jogging.
Kanye's twitter rant
Kimye picture not mine, courtesy of the internet.