You know how when you have a second baby everyone says that they don't care as much as they did with the first? Like they let the second one eat off the floor and stuff like that. lol. I don't know how that's true! I feel like I am even more paranoid with my second. I feel like it's a second chance to be a better mom. All the things I did not do with my first I want to do with my second and I want to be better at everything else. So for example with Niko I did not take monthly pics but with Liam I do and he wears theme outfits. For Niko I started supplementing with formula at about 5 months and stopped breast feeding entirely at 9 months. With Liam I am still breast feeding and pumping and there are times when I want to give up. There are times when I want to buy formula. We were in DC and we bought some just as back up and I was so tempted to just switch over but I have not. So my mornings can be a little hectic. I have to pump, feed him and get him ready because I take him to work with me. While at work I have to take time to either pump or breast feed. It can be exhausting. Last night he breastfed for like 45 minutes. He won't go to sleep without it and I cannot put him to bed until he's done or else forget about it, it's a hot mess. There are soooo many times I just want to give it up but I won't. I think of Dory in finding Nemo and how she's singing just keep swimming so I sing just keep feeding, just keep feeding, just keep feeding, feeding, feeding . . . and it works.
I love my babies so much! They are so cute. They just started playing together and it's the cutest thing ever. Liam just cracks up at his older brother and tries to steal his milk. This little man really likes milk.
That's all I got for now!
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